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A painful condition caused by overheating of the body. It occurs in cases when recoil into the external environment is difficult for the heat constantly formed in the body in the process of vital activity and metabolism. Overheating of the body is facilitated by everything that disrupts sweating (physical stress, fatigue, dehydration, abundant food, oppression of sweat glands) or hampers sweat evaporating (high ambient temperature, humidity, impermeable, dense clothing). Thermal impacts occur not only in hot weather, but also occur in the premises as a result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
The first sign of heat stroke - lethargy, fatigue, headache, dizziness. The face turns red, the body temperature rises to 40 ± C, drowsiness occurs, hearing deteriorates, diarrhea, vomiting, sometimes delirium, hallucinations occur. If by this time the causes causing overheating are not eliminated, a heat stroke occurs: the patient loses consciousness, falls, the face becomes pale, cyanotic, the skin is cold, covered with sweat, the pulse is threadlike. In this state, a person can die.
Solar and heat shock are most affected by people who do not tolerate heat, obese, suffering from heart and vascular diseases, endocrine glands, and alcohol abusers. Quickly overheat young children, because due to age-related physiological features, the thermoregulatory system of their body is still imperfect.
First aid with solar and thermal impacts. First of all, it is necessary to transfer the victim to the shade, a cool room. Laying it on your back and giving your head an elevated state, unbuttoning your clothes or removing it, loosen your belt. The body is useful for wiping with cold water or wrapping a wet sheet, in hard cases, pour cold water. Cold compresses are put on the head and on the forehead, they are drunk in large quantities with cold water, and also with tincture of valerian - 15-20 drops per one third of a glass of water. To stimulate breathing, cautiously give sniff ammonia. The wafers moistened in it several times are brought to the nose of the victim, until the breathing normalizes. In emergency cases, when a person has lost consciousness, there is no breathing and a pulse is not felt, without waiting for a doctor, to proceed with artificial respiration and closed heart massage, (see Internal Diseases, Sudden Death).
When working or marching under the scorching sun, you should periodically rest in the shade, bathe or pour cold water. Observe the drinking regimen: if a person drinks a little, then sweating decreases, when sweat evaporates from the surface of the body, it is cooled. In a stuffy environment, arrange ventilation.