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Abdominal typhoid, paratyphoid a and

Typhoid fever and paratyphoid A and B are acute infectious diseases characterized by fever, the phenomena of general intoxication with the predominant lesion of the small intestine.
Cause. The causative agents of typhoid fever and paratyphoid are the bacteria of the genus Salmonella.
The source of infection in typhoid and paratyphoid fever are patients, as well as bacterial carriers (persons with an erased form of infection), which excrete the pathogen into the external environment with feces and urine. In soil and water, Salmonella persists for up to 5 months, in feces - about 1 month.
Transmission of pathogens of infection is carried out by water, food and contact-household way. Pathogens can spread the flies.
The process of development of the disease. The disease develops when the pathogen enters the gastrointestinal tract. In the small intestine, it is introduced into the lymphatic formations, in which they multiply, causing their inflammation and ulceration. Hence Salmonella penetrate into the blood and spread throughout the body. In the process of the disease, a strong immunity is formed.
Signs. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, which depends on the number of microbes that have entered the body. The disease begins gradually with a headache, malaise, loss of appetite and a rise in body temperature, which becomes higher every day, and reaches a maximum by 5-7 days of illness. Headache intensifies, sleep is disturbed (sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night). The stool is usually detained, bloating is observed. The majority of patients begin dry cough, sometimes so pronounced that there is a suspicion of pneumonia. The retardation of patients is characteristic. Skin is dry, hot.
Complications. At untimely beginning of treatment possible terrible complications - intestinal bleeding and intestinal perforation.
Treatment. Treatment of patients with typhoid fever is carried out only in an infectious hospital.
When Carrying Salmonella typhoid fever is effective, taking 0.75 g ciprofloxacin 2 times a day for 28 days.
Examination. After the transferred disease for 3 months medical observation with cultures of a feces, urine and bile is spent.
Prevention of disease. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the use of benign water and products.
After hospitalization, the patient is disinfected.
For persons in contact with the patient, within 21 days of medical observation with a measurement of body temperature, they establish a stool culture.
Children are eliminated from visiting children's institutions until they receive negative results from bacteriological research.
Vaccination is carried out by persons serving sewer networks and structures. If outbreaks occur, the disease is carried out to other population groups, including mass vaccination.