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- abuse of those substances that are not on the list of drugs. These are various chemical, biological and medicinal substances that are addictive and addictive. The following groups of narcotic and toxic substances stand out: 1. Morphine, opium and their semi-synthetic and synthetic analogues (heroin, codeine, promedol). 2. Cocaine and drugs from it ("crack"). 3. Substances extracted from Indian hemp (hashish, anasha, plan, marijuana). 4. Sleeping pills (barbiturates, noxirone, bromural). 5. Stimulants (caffeine, ephedrine, dope). 6. Tranquilizers. 7. Atropine and atropine-containing drugs (asthmatol, belladonna). 8. Non-narcotic analgesics (analgin, amidopyrine, aspirin, paracetamol, etc.). 9. Organic solvents and household chemicals. 10. Nicotine.
There is no single reason for the development of drug addiction. Important personal characteristics (infantilism, passivity, dependence, demonstrativeness, emotional instability). A significant role is played by certain social factors: low level of education and professional qualification, accompanied by a lack of interest in learning, work; Lack of ideology and lack of spirituality; Inability to take their leisure; Influence of the surrounding microenvironments, unfavorable situation in the family, shortcomings in educational work; Low level of medical and educational work. Addiction is a collective disease. If a drug addict enters a company, he can "infect" others as well. Drug addicts strive to ensure that people around you also try the drug, they also join this hobby. It's hard to leave the company of addicts, because They do not allow anyone to get out of their herd, they pursue, they try to help in every way to return to narcotization. Addiction is a disease of the young; Until old age they just do not live out. And they start using drugs more often in adolescence, most of all subject to negative influence. Adolescence is a period of self-affirmation, denial of generally accepted authority, choice of own values, when the environment of comrades, the authority of the leader of "their group" exerts a special influence. The sense of a kind of collectivism, the desire to keep up with peers, sometimes just curiosity and a desire to taste forbidden fruit, idleness and boredom - these are some of the reasons for introducing adolescents and young people to drugs.
Symptoms and course:
The diagnosis of "addiction" is established only if there is a certain set of clinical signs of the disease: 1) an irresistible attraction to the reception of drugs (addiction to them); 2) the tendency to increase the dose of the substance (increase tolerance); 3) mental and physical dependence on drugs.
Mental dependence occurs in all cases of systematic use of narcotic substances. The most commonly observed is the so-called negative attachment, in which the drug is taken in order to get rid of bad health, tension and discomfort. Positive attachment is noted when the drug is used to get a pleasant effect (euphoria, a sense of cheerfulness, a surge of strength). Physical dependence means painful, painful sensations in the body, caused by the interruption of narcotization.
There is a physical dependence of the abstinence syndrome - the abstinence syndrome, which usually occurs 12-48 hours after stopping the use of the drug. A drug addict can not tolerate this state of suffering, and will try to get a drug by any means.
The clinical picture of morphine is well known. It perfectly shows all stages of the development of drug addiction, from initial manifestations to the outcome. Even with a single intake of opium or morphine, euphoria (increased cloudless mood, everything appears in pink light, a sensation of warmth in the body), which is the reason for the further use of these substances. Opium addicts are either inhaled by smoking, adding to cigarettes, or ingested, or - in injections. Morphine and its analogs are used only in the form of subcutaneous and intravenous infusions. The dose of the drug is rapidly increasing. It must be borne in mind, however, that when the drug is abolished and the symptoms of abstinence disappear, the tolerance of this remedy drops rapidly, and the addict, returning to narcotization, starts again with small doses, since taking the previous large dose can cause severe poisoning up to the deadly Outcome. Abstinence symptoms occur 8-18 hours after drug withdrawal. First there is drooling, tearfulness, yawning, sweating. Then the tremor, goosefoot, the pupils dilate, the appetite disappears. After 36 hours after the last reception of the drug, a chill begins, blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, joint aches, nausea and vomiting. Increases the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall (stomach, as a "board", sometimes imitates a picture of an acute abdomen), there are convulsions of the muscles of the extremities. The symptoms of dependence on the drug for 3-4 days are maximum, and they gradually subside by the end of the second week.
Being in this state, the patient is agitated, aggressive, spiteful, requires drugs or tries to get them by any means (even going to a crime). Taking a certain dose of morphine or opium removes these phenomena, and the patient becomes easier for a while. First drug addicts make 1 injection a day, then 2-3 injections.
Chronic intoxication with narcotic drugs changes the appearance of drug addicts. There is a sharp weight loss, hair and nails become brittle, the face is puffy, the skin is dry with an earthy tinge. Teeth affect caries. On the skin in the infusion sites of the preparation - traces of injections, scars, suppuration. Gradually the character changes (personal degradation). Addicts are becoming more rude, selfish, lose interest in work, do not fulfill family responsibilities. Initially, they hide their addiction to drugs, and then start taking them openly. To buy drugs sell things from home, commit theft, deceive relatives and acquaintances. Drug extraction becomes a goal in life.
It is carried out only in a specialized hospital. First of all, the patient is deprived of the drug, either immediately or gradually, depending on the duration of the disease and the magnitude of the dose taken. Such drugs as morphine, opium, barbiturates are usually canceled, gradually reducing the dose. For relief of withdrawal phenomena, detoxification therapy is carried out, psychotropic drugs (neuroleptics, tranquilizers), nootropil, pyrroxane are used. It needs a diet, vitamin therapy. If the patient feels well during the period of abstinence, then there is reason to suspect him of concealed drug use. Psychotherapy, labor and social rehabilitation are needed. First of all, it is necessary to abandon the collective of drug addicts, radically change the attitudes of life. This is very difficult, because the "friends" do not give rest. Sometimes it is necessary to change the place of residence, change jobs, profession. Treatment for drug addiction is a lengthy process. After a stay in the hospital for at least 2 months, a long-term outpatient support therapy is required. Only the desire to get rid of the disease and the establishment of a healthy lifestyle can lead to a favorable outcome.