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Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease characterized by chronic course and damage to the nervous system. Muscles and eyes are often affected.
Cause. Pathogen - toxoplasm, refers to the simplest. The source of infection are cats, which in 1% of cases with feces isolate the pathogen into the external environment, where it persists for up to 1 year or more. This leads to the infection of many species of animals and birds (cattle, sheep, pigs, rodents, hares, chickens, dogs, etc.), in which toxoplasma are in the muscles and are not released into the environment.
Infection occurs when contact with feline excrements, with soil and sand contaminated by them, as well as when testing minced meat or using insufficiently boiled meat. Lamb and pork very often contain toxoplasm (from 10 to 25%). Contact with dogs, farm animals to infect humans does not.
Toxoplasmosis is ubiquitous. About 30% of the population is infected in Russia.
A sick person for others is not contagious.
The process of development of the disease. Gates of infection serve as digestive organs, from where toxoplasma enter the lymph nodes, where they multiply. Then the parasites get into the blood and spread throughout the body and are fixed in various organs and tissues, where they remain for decades and for life. The protective forces of the body of the majority of infected people prevent the development of the disease, but with their weakening it develops. It can occur 10-20 years after infection.
When the mother is infected during pregnancy, the fetus can be affected with the development of congenital toxoplasmosis.
Signs. The disease begins gradually with complaints of general weakness, decreased appetite, sleep disturbance, sweating. There is irritability, headache, memory loss, mental performance. Body temperature is usually 37.2 - 37.6 ° C, often many months, sometimes wavy, in women can be associated with the menstrual cycle. Disturb pain in the muscles, especially the shins. Often a feeling of palpitation, a heart failure, stupid pressing pressure in the heart. Vision may be impaired.
Chronic toxoplasmosis proceeds wavy, with periods of exacerbation of the disease and improvement of the condition.
With a long course of the disease, miscarriage, infertility develops.
Recognition of the disease. Toxoplasmosis should be suspected in cases of prolonged slight increase in body temperature. The diagnosis is confirmed by repeated special blood tests.
Toxoplasmosis should be examined:
Mandatory for all pregnant women at the earliest possible time of pregnancy (ideally - before it);
Women suffering from infertility and miscarriage (miscarriages in the period up to 12 weeks).
Treatment. The clinic of infectious diseases of the VMA has accumulated a large experience in the treatment of patients with chronic toxoplasmosis. The direction for treatment in the WMA is carried out according to the conclusion of the clinic's specialists.
Prevention of disease. Compliance with personal hygiene. Avoid contact with faeces of cats. Do not eat raw meat, mince meat, or meat dishes without sufficient heat treatment. After preparing dishes from raw meat, wash hands thoroughly. Wash and process with boiling water fruits and vegetables.
Women during pregnancy to exclude contact with cats.