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Tonsillitis chronic

Chronic inflammation of the tonsils is very common in both adults and children. It occurs as a result of repeated angina or acute infectious diseases that occur with the involvement of the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx (scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, etc.). Distinguish compensated and decompensated (with the presence of complications - the defeat of the kidneys, heart, joints, chronic intoxication) form. Currently, it is believed that chronic tonsillitis causes serious changes in the body's immune system.
Symptoms and course:
Complaints about frequent sore throats, subfebrile condition, general intoxication, lethargy, headache, enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes.
On the basis of pathological changes in tonsils - scars, purulent plugs in lacunae, reddening of palatine arch and data of bacteriological examination of the contents of the lacunae of the tonsils - the flora is the most diverse.
With a compensated form, conservative: rinsing with solutions of drugs with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, herbal decoctions. Washing of lacunae of tonsils, physiotherapy (UHF and UHF, ultrasound), biogenic stimulators (aloe, propolis, etc.), multivitamins, cryotherapy, homeopathic treatment. With decompensated form, treatment is prompt.
Complications: infectious-allergic myocarditis, pyelonephritis, nephropathy, arthritis, tonsil abscess. The prognosis, in the absence of complications, is favorable. Often, patients with angina and chronic tonsillitis are subject to follow-up and systematic treatment, prevention of bicillin.