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It is caused by various kinds of fungi of this genus. Can affect any area of ​​the skin, including nails. The self-mediated disease can exist for many years, but it usually goes to puberty spontaneously. Clinically, there are two forms.
Surface trichophytosis is caused by anthropophilic fungi, i.e. Parasitizing only in humans. Children usually get sick. Infection is transmitted by direct contact, less often through objects (underwear, combs, brushes, hats, etc.). The disease is very contagious, which is why it is often observed in the form of family and school epidemics.
Symptoms and course:
On smooth skin appear rounded or oval slightly swollen spots, bordered by a border of small bubbles, nodules, crusts; In the center - insignificant porubic scaling.
When the process is localized on the scalp, numerous, disordered pleshinki are formed from pea to nail, covered with grayish scales. Sick hair has an extremely characteristic change: most of them do not fall out, but only are shortened and broken off. Part of the hair, due to the development inside their fungi, breaks off at the exit from the skin and looks dark dots. Others - dull, grayish, curved, break off at a height of 2-3 mm.
Surface trichophytosis, which began in childhood, can go on into a chronic one. Mostly women (about 80% of patients) have dysfunction of endocrine glands (usually sexual), hypovitaminosis A and E.
Most often, in the occipital and temporal regions, there is a scarcely noticeable fine-scaly peeling by the type of dry seborrhea. In these places, you can find small scars and "black dots" - hemp hair broken off. The favorite localization of the process on the skin is the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs, palms (back side) and fingers of the hands.
Infiltrative-suppuration (or deep) trichophytosis is caused by zoophilic fungi, the infection of which occurs from domestic animals (horses, cattle, etc.). Less often the source of infection is a person. Both adults and children are affected. In adults, the process is more often localized in the region of the beard and mustache and is called parasitic sycosis, in children - on the head and denoted by the name "honeycomb".
Symptoms and course:
The disease usually begins with the appearance of spots, against which pustules develop, they quickly merge and form massive continuous infiltrates. The developed focus is a tuberous, rather large, tumor-like formation that emerges spontaneously from the level of the skin, a purplish color, from which it spontaneously or when pressed with a drop of thick pus.
Most of the hair in the area of ​​the lesion falls out, the remaining ones are easily extracted with tweezers. The outbreaks produce a nasty, sugary smell. The number of them is usually small, the magnitude of the differences, individual can reach palm sizes and even more.
In some cases, the process is complicated by a painful increase in regional lymph glands with possible subsequent softening and opening. At the weakened and exhausted persons general phenomena can appear thus in the form of rising of temperature, headaches, malaise, etc.
Deep trichophytosis of facial scalp - parasitic sycosis - has approximately the same clinical picture as on the head, but the process here usually proceeds with a stronger inflammatory response. More massive saturated red color, bumpy, reminiscent of the raspberry surface, knots are formed. Deep trichophytosis, due to the development of immunity, has a great propensity to spontaneous cure, which usually comes in 2-3 months and is accompanied by the formation of scarring and partial loss of hair.
Carried out in the hospital and outpatient. If only smooth skin is affected, the foci are smeared with 2-20% iodine tincture in the morning and 5-10% with sulfuric salicylic ointment in the evening for several weeks, i.e. Until the foci of defeat completely disappear.
When the scalp is damaged, the hair in the foci is shaved once a week and the foci is smeared with 2-5% alcoholic iodine solution in the morning, at night
- 5% sulfur-salicylic or 5-10% sulfur-tar ointment. It is also recommended to wash your head with hot water and soap every other day. At the same time, griseofulvin is given inside tablets at the rate of 22 mg per 1 kg of body daily (for 20-25 days). After receiving the first negative test for fungi, griseofulvin is prescribed every other day for 2 weeks, and then 3 days later for an additional 2 weeks until complete recovery.
In children with contraindications to griseofulvin therapy, it is recommended to remove hair with 4% epilin patch. Previously, the hair is shaved off, the patch is applied a thin layer on the foci. For children up to 6 years, the patch is applied once for 15-18 days, and for older children - twice, changing the bandage after 8-10 days. Usually hair falls out in 21-24 days. Then fungicidal agents are prescribed.
With infiltrative-suppurating trichophytosis, treatment begins with the removal of the crusts present in the lesions by means of bandages with 2% salicylic vaseline. Then, a manual hair removal (removal) of the hair is performed using tweezers both in the foci, and 1 cm in their circumference. In the future, appoint wet-drying dressings from 0.1% solution of ethacridine lactate, 10% aqueous solution of ichthyol or Bohr fluid. After the acute inflammation, 10-15% sulfuric, 10% sulfuric salicylic ointment, Wilkinson ointment are used. This treatment can be combined with giving griseofulvin inside.