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Toilet of lesion

It is necessary to be able to perform all simple but necessary auxiliary procedures that precede external therapy: the toilet of the focus of the lesion and the skin adjacent to it, cleaning it from excess exudate and crusts. You can not forcibly remove the crusts or tear off the adherent gauze, it traumatizes the affected tissue, tightens the treatment. First you need to decide how best to pre-treat the pathological focus. In some cases, pre-heat a warm bath with a pink solution of potassium permanganate (1: 5000), and in others - soak the bandage with boiled and chilled water. Crusts easily and painlessly leave or are removed after abundant wetting with vegetable oil or applying an oil bandage for 1-2 hours. Erosion and ulcers should be treated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
In addition to these methods of local therapy, other methods are widely used: physiotherapy (sunlight, ultraviolet rays, high voltage currents, electrolysis, etc.); Hydrotherapy (showers, baths, wipes, etc.), moxibustion with snow carbonic acid, massage, etc.