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If you go out of the house, leaving the screaming child in the care of nannies, teachers, preschool, or even relatives, and you and your child will be in a big trouble.
"Children have a few periods when they are particularly anxious at parting, says an expert on childcare Nancy Balaban, doctor of pedagogical sciences. Usually somewhere between 7 and 10 months, most children pick up a real scandal, if you go away from them, even if you go into another room.
At this age, they understand that you are a special person for them, and so make a fuss when you leave them alone. "
Many children eventually cease to worry, though, between 14 and 15 months and two and a half years is restless behavior can resume. "At this age, children experience separation even more painful, says Dr. Balaban. They are very vulnerable and really badly need you.
You must be sensitive to their feelings ( "I know you're sad, because my mom goes") and fondle them a bit more than usual, says Dr. Balaban. Do not push them if they are pressed against you. "
Leave with a smile after you hug and kiss the baby. Even if the same cat scratch (this happens with mothers) in your mind, try not to convey your mood child. One crybaby for parting scene is enough. "And do not try to sneak out unnoticed, warns Ellen Galinsky of the institution of the family and work in New York. This may work at first, but you will pay twice or three times, because you will no longer be trusted. "
She advises to leave the kid some your little thing "as a symbol of your return, which goes from hand to hand an object that will allow the kid really feel your presence as you do not come after him."