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In 1986, the leading expert in the field of quality for children in kindergartens has sown terror in the hearts of millions of working women. Jay Belsky, Ph.D., a psychologist specializing in the study of child development, said his research has shown that children who are more than 20 hours a week in the care of other people at risk of exclusion from their mothers, and upon reaching school age in they may have about behavioral issues.
"This message alarmed me, says Lee-Ann D'Andrea, 7-year-old daughter with a 4 months of age and forty hours per week remained in the care of others. I started to keep track of her daughter, there are no signs of alienation, but did not notice it. However, after all that he wrote Belsky, I continued to doubt. Even now I wonder, what if something goes wrong, all because I left my daughter at the hands of others all these years. "
Working mothers and guilt. For many of these concepts go hand in hand. Although some experts disagree with core Belsky and find the weak spots in his works, and other studies have shown that taking good care of children in child care or in the care of others is not harmful and can have its advantages, many parents with a heavy heart began to give their children in the care of nannies and kindergartens.
This survey showed 4,050 people from their parents in 2009, made by Louis Harris and his colleagues. More than 95 percent of parents said that the best interests of children's education at home, children grow calm, friendly, but only slightly more than half felt that this is really for them, and only 39 percent could afford education at home. Only 8 per cent said that the system of preschool education works "very good", while 38 percent believed that it works "is not so good." And only 25 percent of the total number of respondents, which included not only the parents, said they believe that children receive quality care while their parents are working.


Guilt experiencing almost all working mothers. Magazine "working mother» (Working Mother) conducted a survey in which most of the 3,000 respondents said that they had come in bouts of guilt, "similar to the throbbing pain in his knee on a cloudy day", according to the advisory conducting a survey Carin Rubenstein, PhD; the majority of respondents indicated that guilt stemmed from an internal disorder. What makes people feel guilty? Forty-four percent felt that the reason lies in the lack of time they spend with their children. Speaking frankly, bouts of guilt outweighed by a sense of pride and satisfaction that they get from work and contribution to the family budget.
But guilt is not necessarily a bad thing. "It gives a boost to the work of the soul, according to a specialist in pre-school education, Ellen Galinsky, co-chair of the institution of family and work, the state of New York, one of the authors of the book" Kindergarten years, "and several other books on the care and education of children. Guilt is a signal that we do not live as we would like, she says. What we need to do in this situation, is to ask yourself whether it really what we want, or not? "
Working women have gone to work or because they want to work, or because they need to work, and sometimes because of a combination of both. In modern society, a working woman is the norm. Of the women who return to work for a year after the birth of their first child, most do it after three months. But many grow up with intentions like their mothers to stay at home with children. There are women who live with a permanent presence of the word "must": I have to work, because we need the money; I have to work, because the work gives me a feeling of satisfaction; I have to stay at home, because children need to educate parents.

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