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Bites wasps and bees

When a bee sting releases 0.2-0.3 mg poison. On the site of the bite wound is visible, sometimes with the protruding tip, there is redness, swelling. Dangerous bites a significant amount (500-1000) bees, when introduced into the human body for him deadly dose of 0.2 g of bee venom. When idiosyncrasy (hypersensitivity to bee venom), or even a few bites can cause severe allergic reaction in which there are fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, asthma phenomenon, lowering blood pressure.
After bites of bees and wasps quickly remove the stinger, apply lotions of ammonia (1 part ammonia 5 parts water) or ethyl alcohol (vodka mixed with water), it is possible from a solution of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate. Drink a glass of hot tea (see. Also Chap. Acute poisoning, poisonous bites, uzhalivaniya).