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Success comes with experience

Practice helps to solve all problems. Frequent feeding even short-term can help avoid cracking of the nipples, engorgement, blockage of ducts and mastitis, infectious disease of the mammary glands. It also helps to increase the amount of milk as the child grows, Walker said.
"If you limit the time of sucking, as some experts advise, it will not save your nipples from cracking, Walker says. Most newborns can suck one breast up to 20 minutes. A child should keep one breast as long as he wants, and then move on to another. Since the nipples are damaged due to incorrect posture during feeding and the wrong technique of sucking, reducing the feeding time does not bring relief and can even worsen the situation. The amount of milk in the mother may decrease. "
Mother's milk contains chemicals called peptides-suppressors, which regulate the amount of milk produced. If there is a lot of milk and the breasts start to be rough, the suppressor peptides slow down its production. If the breast is freed from milk during the feeding process or the peptides are not released as a result of the expression. "The only thing that limits the amount of milk you produce is the child's appetite, Walker said. That's why a woman can feed twins and triplets. "