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In captivity of one's own habits

"Chronic alcoholism, addiction to drugs is a prison, says Angela Burke, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and head of the psychoneurological clinic at the State University of North Texas in Denton. The disease completely rules your life. It dictates behavior, emotions and goals. Nothing matters except satisfying a painful need. "
"Most likely, you are the source of constant chaos in your family and a burden in the material plan," Dr. Gaunt suggests. There is a great chance that you will bring into the life of the family an atmosphere of verbal and physical insults. You will come to the conclusion that it is best to leave the family, not to stay at home while you indulge in your preferences. But even then your illness, in all likelihood, will have a devastating effect on the life of the family, your life and your self-esteem. " "You can not perform the simplest functions," says Gaunt. You lose friends or husband and break with friends and family. Your world is becoming more isolated, it is narrowing all the time. If you are young and lonely, you enter into chaotic relationships, losing at the same time self-esteem. You are emptying emotionally. "