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As there is no common to all expressions of grief, so there is a certain time during which manages to recover from the shock.
Studies in which to study the process of grief, showed that a significant number of people are unable to cope with their grief for many years, if ever. Researchers from the College of Nurses University of California in San Francisco spoke with family members who have experienced, perhaps the most difficult loss of all the possible loss of a child. They were surprised how great was the number of families in which the children after the death from cancer of the feeling of pain and loss is not gone after semdevyat years; it is often described as nothing fills the void in my life. Although life in these families continued, and was not as strong as before, daily pain, parents watched their loss like the loss of part of themselves in the experience of grief as communication with the dead child. "The scars do not heal, they are always here, one mother admitted. And I do not want them to be healed, because I feel the inextricable link with him. "
Although most of these families in the studied group, there were those in which the loss of the baby treated differently. Some felt that they really coped with this, taking death as "the will of God," or, as explained by one of the parents, "what happened, happened." There were some parents who have tried to fill the void, doing charity work, the construction of the house or take the child to education.