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Congenital heart defects

Diseases that occur due to various violations of the normal formation of the heart and blood vessels departing from it in utero or stop its development after birth. It is not genetically inherited diseases and anomalies, the cause of which may be deferred during pregnancy, trauma, infection, lack of vitamins in the diet, exposure to radiation, hormonal disorders. None of the external or internal influences do not cause any particular vice.
It all depends on the phase of development of the heart, during which there was a fetal damage. All congenital heart defects are divided into 2 groups: primary defects cyanosis ( "blue") and vices without primary cyanosis ( "pale" type).

Infectious diseases for all
Women Health
Infectious diseases
Surgical diseases
Eye diseases
Diseases of the ear, nose and throat
skin diseases
Venereal diseases
Nerve disease
mental illness
Childhood diseases
First aid
Surgical diseases
Acute poisoning
Lab tests
Modern research methods
Physio-therapeutic treatments
invalid food
Spa treatment
Internal illnesses