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Everything for Mom

Dina says that Mom's approval means a lot to her, although she is an adult living alone, hundreds of miles away. "I appreciate my mother's opinion, because although she made mistakes in her life, she managed to successfully correct them. I would not hesitate to marry a man who would not like my father, but I hesitated a long time, settled the relationship with my mother if she did not approve of my choice.
If my mother doubts or does not approve of my choice, I immediately break down, continues Dina. It's funny, but when my mother sees how upset I am, she begins to apologize and softens her remarks. "
True, the desire to seek approval in everything can also cause problems, stresses Rosalind S. Barnett, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and researcher at the Wellesley College Research Center in Massachusetts. "The desire to win approval leads to a continuous confrontation," she says. The number of young women experiencing pressure from their mothers who want to see daughters prosperous is increasing, although they have never been so. " If the daughter obeys or rebels, you can not win in this situation. "This rarely leads to a satisfactory relationship," warns Dr. Barnett.
Daughters can not always distinguish what they do at their own choice, and what's to please their mothers. "In any case, notes Dr. Barnett, complicated relationships with mothers can cloud and distort the successes or failures of daughters."