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The way out of the crisis

You may need help in practical matters. In some cases, psychological help and support groups will help you cope with your problems, from financial affairs to finding jobs or getting a job.
You may have a need for new friends, especially those who understand your condition. "It's very hard to transfer something that you would never believe, that some married couples you've been friends with begin to move away from you, Marvel admits. They do not know what to do with you. Some women are afraid that you will be interested in their husbands. Sometimes people try to cheer you up. It can turn out awkward. You sometimes think that they treat you like a child. "
Often old friends, trying to raise your mood, only worsen it. "You have to deal with people who do not know what to say to you, or who say something like," You're still young, you'll be married again "or" It's been so long, pull yourself together, "Marvel says.
If you do not want to talk to others, or even if you do this, a diary in which you will write down your thoughts and feelings can benefit. Melissa, the author of children's books, kept notes every day. She found that this was calming her, especially when she felt that she could not find support in her struggle with grief. "I went back to the first entries in the diary and saw that changes were taking place in me, I saw how far I had gone."