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Latency placenta or part thereof

The reasons for the delay child seat or parts of more than 2 hours after the birth of the fetus can be as factors that lower the tone of the uterus, and the structure of the anomalies and placental location. They usually exist simultaneously and provide the related impact on the course of the postpartum period. This includes the reduction of uterine capacity (hypotension) or its complete relaxation (atony). It can be observed and uneven contraction of the uterus. It happens when the whole placental site or part of it is located on the site of pathologically altered due to inflammation or myoma node, and so on. The negative role played by various deviations in the location of the children's place, his presentation, low attachment to pipe or corner where the muscles of the uterus are relatively thin and therefore can not develop a vigorous rate. Finally, poor management of labor, especially the successive period, unnecessary manipulation (massaging the uterus, pressing on her bottom, stretching the umbilical cord), unjustified use of some medicines. The main symptom of a delay or partial detachment of the placenta - bleeding from the birth pugey. When spasm internal os or a mechanical closure of a slice of the placenta, the blood clot external bleeding may not be, but in such cases there are signs of internal: blanching of the skin, increased heart rate and breathing, drop in blood dalveniya and others.