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The ban on sexy reluctantly gives in

"Suppressed sexuality is more a problem of very young women and older women, says Dr. Seifer. Among those 30 to 45 years less than women with suppressed sexuality, perhaps because they grew up during the sexual revolution. Among young women repressed sexuality, probably related to sexual ignorance. As for the older women, they learned the prejudices of the time and of the society that nurtured them. "
"The suppression of the main reason why women find it difficult to have an orgasm, explains Dr. Seifer. All the fears, all the anxiety they are experiencing for the first time or for the first few times having sex, leave disappointed: "Is that all?"
"Yet, if a woman has learned to reach orgasm, she rarely loses this ability," added Lonnie Barbu, Ph.D., psychologist and sexologist. But achieving orgasm primarily involves their own actions, what confuses many women and gives them a sense of guilt. "Young women are the books that help them achieve orgasm," says Dr. Seifer.
Dr. Seifer recognizes, however, that all this talk about sexual satisfaction is rarely perceived by older women, belonging to a generation that has a healthy sexual appetite for women was regarded as something indecent. "We are often in-law talked, joked and laughed about sex with our teenage daughters, says Dr. Seifer. But my dear mother in law, who used to sit right there, could not understand why sex takes us so. For her, it is of no interest. She maintained dignity, because it believed that she was a decent woman. Marriage she was successful, she and her husband loved each other, and she was proud that he had never told her husband there. But she took her own fullness of life, because you never knew sexual gratification. "