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Calm before the storm

For most women, the second trimester is a time of great joy and peace. Morning sickness is usually gone. Your body has adapted to increased hormone production. You can lead a life that used to.
In the second trimester, two exciting events occur: your body changes so that pregnancy is no longer a mystery to others, and you start to feel the baby move inside you. They are called wiggling. Some women describe their feelings this way: as if the butterflies in my stomach flutter. For others, it's like a muscle twitch. Whatever your experience, this is the beginning of your special relationship with a child who has become a reality now. You are able to judge when he is asleep, when hiccups, what food he likes, even what side he prefers to sleep. Exploring how to perceive their spouses not appeared yet born children, experts have found that parents are the child's movements create an idea of ​​his personality: lively, shy, funny, tender.