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Sensing the stomach

Extraction of gastric contents with a probe. It is used for diagnostic purposes if there is a suspicion of a stomach or duodenum disease, in conditions accompanied by a violation of the stomach function, and also as a method of treatment (gastric lavage for poisoning, feeding of patients in the unconscious state, etc.).
The procedure can not be performed with gastric bleeding, narrowing of the esophagus, aneurysm of the aorta (protrusion of the aortic wall or enlargement of its site), severe heart disease, hypertension, pregnancy and dr.
A patient sitting on a chair is injected with a thin probe to the root of the tongue, then they are offered to gradually swallow it up to a certain mark. After that, the contents of the stomach are pumped out within an hour, thus exploring the work of the hungry stomach. Then use a gastric secretion stimulant, usually a broth of cabbage. After that, too, the contents of the stomach are pumped out within an hour, examining the work of the stomach after eating. It must be remembered that gastric sounding should be prepared in the same way as for duodenal sounding (see above).