Bleeding outside

Bleeding outside (of the wound) is due to damaged blood vessels in open mechanical injuries or violation of permeability of the wall. By bleeding divided by mean arterial, venous and capillary. Capillary bleeding from parenchymal organs called parenchymal. The risk of bleeding is not so much the loss of red blood cells, as in the reduction of circulating blood volume and hemodynamic disturbances.

Blowouts, pulsing blood stream in combination with a red color, a sign of arterial bleeding. When bleeding from large veins upper body blood may also flow out intermittent jet, but in synchronism with the respiratory movements, rather than a pulse. When arterial bleeding vessel clamping proximal the injury stops bleeding, venous - amplifies it. When capillary bleeding blood flows evenly from across the wound surface. The severity of the external bleeding is assessed based on the nature of the bleeding (arterial, venous, capillary), the caliber of the bleeding vessel, the outpouring of blood velocity. Dangerous secondary bleeding due to breakage of a blood clot damaged vessel, such as violation of immobilization during transport of the victim.

Treatment. Temporary stop arterial bleeding achieved by applying a tourniquet, twist, turnstile, the pressure on the bleeding vessel at the site of damage or over. When venous and capillary bleeding effective compressive bandage. tourniquet is used for bleeding on the legs: it is applied as close as possible to the site of injury by placing a tourniquet matter. Low tourniquet only enhances the bleeding efficiency tourniquet determined. to stop the bleeding, pallor limbs, lack of pulse in the periphery. Wiring is not recommended to keep more than 2 hours, it should be noted during tourniquet. Not to forget about the victims with a tourniquet, especially in the mass of their admission, it is not recommended to close a tourniquet with clothing or a bandage. In no event it is impossible to cool the victim.

When bleeding in the head, neck, proximal limb, which harness the imposition technically difficult, you can use finger pressing of the artery above the injury site to the underlying bone. However, even physically strong person is not able to push the vessel is more than 15 to 20 minutes. This technique is important to prepare for a tourniquet. Final hemostasis is achieved by ligation of both ends of the bleeding vessel. A similar method can be recommended to the distal extremity knee and elbow joints: the ligation of one of the two main blood supply to the limb vessels provided a second artery. When bleeding proximal to the knee and elbow joint needs vascular suture or plastic container (with the destruction of it to a considerable extent). Ligation of the vessel at this level leads to gangrene of the limb.