
Lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes, often purulent. It is caused more often by staphylo- and streptococci, which, with lymphangitis, enter the regional lymph nodes. Localization mostly in the groin and armpit. Acute lymphadenitis is a warning that the primary focus of infection can lead to sepsis.

Symptoms, course. Due to severe pain, forced limb position, temperature increase, edema, with superficial location - hyperemia and local temperature increase. In the late stage of chills, leukocytosis, fluctuation. Often the primary focus of infection no longer matters.

Treatment. Opening and sanation of the source of infection, antibiotics in accordance with the sensitivity of the microflora, rest of the limb. When purulent melting of the gland - dissection of the abscess.

Complications: with axillary lymphadenitis, a submentoral phlegmon may occur; sepsis.