thromboangiitis obliterans

Thromboangiitis obliterans - inflammatory systemic disease of the arteries and veins with segmental obliteration and thrombosis, first medium and small, and then the large vessels. Comes almost always young men. Contributing factors to the disease are smoking, cooling, and especially frostbite, autoimmune diseases (rheumatism).

Morphologically defined inflammation with subintimal proliferation and narrowing of the lumen. Symptoms: The clinical manifestations of circulatory failure, limb (see Atherosclerosis.). Approximately 10% of cases there is damage to their veins thrombosis. The course of the disease for a long period. There are two forms of the disease: limited, which affects the arteries of one or both lower extremities, changes are progressing slowly, and generalized, in which the blood vessels are affected limbs, visceral branches of the abdominal aorta, the branches of the aortic arch, coronary and cerebral arteries.

In the diagnosis of relevant history, complaints, clinical studies, rheography, Doppler ultrasound, angiography if indicated. Conservative treatment (see. Above). With limited lesions may bypass grafting. According to the testimony - sympathectomy, which aims to improve the collateral circulation, and elimination of vascular spasm.

Prognosis is poor, there is no cure.