
Panaritium - acute purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger of the hand or less often of the foot. On the palmar surface of the finger, the skin is connected to the palmar aponeurosis with dense tendon cords, between which there is an accumulation of adipose tissue. With inflammatory lesions of the skin or trauma, the inflammation quickly spreads along the connective tissue strands to the deep tissues: tendons, bone formations, joints. In addition, the accumulation of exudate in closed cavities between connective tissue bridges leads to a violation of blood circulation due to compression of feeding vessels and rapid development of tissue necrosis. Panaritium often occurs as a result of minor injuries of the palmar surface of the fingers in everyday life, at work, less often it is the result of tearing of burrs or micro-trauma with manicure. Predispose to the emergence and protracted course of the panic disease, diabetes, chronic circulatory disorders.