Panaritium articular

Panaritium articular - suppuration of the articular pouch of the interphalangeal joint. Characterized by a sharp pain syndrome, high fever. The finger is bulbously bulged, sharply painful, severe tenderness when tapping along the axis of the finger. When probing the probe, soreness is not only in the tendon sheath at the level of the joint, but also in other paraarticular tissues. Mandatory emergency hospitalization. An X-ray examination is necessary to exclude the destruction of bone tissue. Treatment is conservative only at the very first stage - joint puncture with the introduction of broad-spectrum antibiotics, immobilization of the hand and finger in a functional position. With neglected panaritium and inefficiency of conservative treatment - surgery (arthrotomy, drainage of the joint cavity). The prognosis is serious, the function of the finger is often disturbed.