
Furuncle - purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and the surrounding subcutaneous tissue. The most common cause is Staphylococcus aureus. Contributing factors: lack of hygiene, unnoticed little damage to the skin, especially when shaving, excessive sweating, diabetes. The preferential localization: face, neck, groin, buttocks, arms.

Symptoms within. First, there are pain, redness and swelling in the area of ​​the hair follicle. Then there is the formation of necrosis and purulent fusion of it. Research on blood leukocytosis and ESR indicated primarily for dynamic monitoring of the disease course, moreover, it allows to eliminate leukemia. Determination of blood sugar (diabetes).

Sometimes it is necessary to differentiate the boil from the rare cases of tuberculosis cold abscesses (fluctuating education without skin redness, fever and pain. Cold abscess often localized in the neck and groin).

Treatment to purulent fusion - quiet, antiseptic dressings. It is undesirable to use ihtiola that promotes abstsedirovaniya infiltration. A superficial abscess can remove necrotic core without anesthesia, after which recovery usually occurs rapidly. During the operation, you need to take the material for bacteriological examination. Antibiotic therapy typically not shown, based treatment - adequate surgical intervention. Boils face threatened spread of infection in the sinuses of the brain to the development of septic sinus thrombosis. All manipulations with boils in the area should be strictly limited, it shows antibiotics in the hospital. It is necessary to limit the conversation and chewing.