electrical accident

Electrocution. Defeat can happen at the same time touching two wiring harness; in most cases one of the poles is grounded while quite touching ungrounded pole in good contact with the ground (water, wet shoes, the soles on the nails, moist soil). The severity of the injury is determined by the current strength and direction, duration of exposure.

Common symptoms when exposed to a low voltage (less than 500 V) current are more pronounced than when exposed to high voltage (1000 V); Local symptoms are more pronounced under the influence of high voltage current.

Symptoms. The overall effect is a sharp current spasmodic limb muscle reduction, which was in contact with the current. For high voltage and amperage - loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, asystole of the heart, sometimes fibrillation infarction. Disturbances of cardiac activity and possible a few days after the current exposure (ECG), as well as vascular thrombosis of the affected limb. Sometimes the victim can be dropped away from the injury site, thus causing severe damage to bone and viscera. Local symptoms are caused by the conversion of electrical energy into heat with the development of burns. In the current entry and exit spot formed perforated circular "current label," which has a burn center III level or even be charred. These electrical label surrounds the skin, broken honeycomb (interstitial fluid explodes at the time of the current action).

Diagnosis is based on examination of the scene and the presence of "the current label."

Treatment of emergency. Exemption from the current actions, respiratory arrest and heart - an artificial breathing, chest compressions. In all cases, emergency hospitalization. Treatment of burns on general principles.

Complications. Myoglobinuria, in advanced decay of muscle possible anuria.

Forecast always very serious, especially in elderly and senile age.

Prevention. Compliance with industrial safety, good condition of electrical household appliances, watching the children in the home.