
Bladder exstrophy - one of the most serious defects of urinary tract; It occurs more often in boys, accompanied by a complete epispadias. At birth, the baby find the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the bladder, which is located above the pubis in the form of bright red velvet education. When viewed from the bottom of the mouth of the ureter can be detected, of which urine is released. The mucous membrane of the bladder is injured and bleeds easily. Exstrophy of the bladder is accompanied by divergence pubic bone, often combined with malformations of the upper urinary tract and other anomalies (congenital inguinal hernia, cryptorchidism).

Long existence exstrophy leads to the development of ascending infection, pyelonephritis. The mucous membrane of the bladder eventually undergoing significant changes observed or her "epidermizatsii" or papillomatous growths on the surface.

this malformation surgical treatment: when sufficient amounts mucosa perform plastic bladder with local tissues, when it is impossible or ineffective this operation produce transplant ureter in sigmoid colon.