Modern rheumatology

Modern rheumatology has formed into an independent division of medicine, which was facilitated by the allocation of a large number of so-called rheumatic diseases, united by the principle of primary defeat of the musculoskeletal system. In this regard, the term "rheumatic" has acquired ambiguity and can refer to both true rheumatism - Sokolsky's disease - Buyo (rheumatic carditis, rheumatic chorea, etc.), and to rheumatic diseases in general. The group of rheumatic diseases includes diseases which, having a number of common features with rheumatism, in most cases differ significantly in etiologic factors, pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical manifestations.

In this chapter, the main rheumatic diseases are presented in the form of 4 sections: diseases with predominant involvement of the joints themselves; Vasculitis and diffuse connective tissue diseases, which are based on the systemic immune-inflammatory lesion of connective tissue and its derivatives with frequent involvement in the locomotor apparatus; True rheumatism.