Sjögren's syndrome

Sjogren's syndrome is a chronic inflammation of the exocrine glands, mainly salivary and lacrimal, with signs of their secretory insufficiency. It can occur in isolation, and then it is called the primary dry syndrome in connection with the most vivid clinical signs of dryness in the mouth and eyes, and when combined with autoimmune diseases - secondary Sjogren's syndrome. The etiology of the primary Sjogren's syndrome is unclear. The most common opinion about the autoimmune genesis is due to the frequent combination with other autoimmune diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, etc. Mostly middle-aged women are ill.

Symptoms, course. A combination of dry keratoconjunctivitis (xerophthalmia) and dry stomatitis (xerostomia) associated with lacrimal and salivary glands and secretory insufficiency is characteristic. Patients also note recurrent mumps, usually symmetrical, pain and swelling in the submandibular glands. Xerophthalmia is accompanied by a constant burning sensation, a foreign body sensation in the eyes, photophobia, a decrease or the complete disappearance of tears. Due to the constant dryness in the mouth, chewing and swallowing are difficult, glossitis is developing, the progressing caries of teeth. Patients are concerned about the constant pain in the joints, swelling periodically, however, severe deformations and destructive changes with dry syndrome do not develop. Reynaud's syndrome is observed, often drug intolerance. Laboratory data - rheumatoid factor is sharply positive, ESR is increased. The diagnosis is made with two of the following three signs: xerophthalmia, xerostomia and autoimmune disease.

The course of chronic ritsidiviruyusche with involvement of lymph nodes, as well as internal organs.

Treatment is mostly symptomatic. To reduce the dryness of mucous membranes, use artificial tear (0.5% solution of methylcellulose) and frequent rinsing of the mouth. A systematic observation of the oculist and dentist is mandatory. With arthritis - anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs in generally accepted doses. The use of corticosteroids is indicated in the generalization of the disease, as well as when combined with diffuse diseases of connective tissue.