Nasopharyngeal tumors

Tumors of the nasopharynx. Squamous cell carcinoma is the main histological variant of tumors of this zone. There are undifferentiated cancer (30%), lymphosarcoma (see) and lymphoepithelioma.

The symptoms depend on the variants of the invasion of neighboring organs. Cancer of the nasopharynx can spread down the pharyngeal wall downwards with the capture of the soft palate, while the act of swallowing becomes difficult, hoarseness of the voice, coughing occurs. In 30% of patients, the tumor grows into the nasal cavity, causing discharge from the nose, nasal speech, difficulty breathing through the nose. If a tumor develops in the lateral parts, the permeability of the auditory (eustachian) tube is impaired, and the hearing decreases. When the tumor spreads in the cranial cavity, headaches, diplopia, loss of vision and other symptoms occur.

The final diagnosis is established after a surgical biopsy.

The main method of treatment is radiotherapy of the primary focus and areas of regional metastasis on both sides. From chemotherapy in the advanced stages of the disease can be used adriablastin, cisplatin with fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, prospidin and other drugs.