Foreign bodies of the ear can be:

  • Live (cockroaches, midges, bugs, flies)

  • Not alive (buttons, beads, peas, bones from berries, seeds, pieces of cotton).

Most often, foreign bodies are observed in children, they thrust small objects (toys, pieces of paper, grain of cereals and beans) to themselves, or other children in their ears. Long stay of a foreign body in the ear promotes the appearance of inflammatory processes in the external ear, sulfur plugs and other disorders.

Symptoms: depend on the shape and nature of the foreign body.

Small rounded bodies with smooth walls, in the absence of trauma to the external auditory canal, may not cause any complaints other than worsening of hearing. Sharp objects cause severe pain. Live foreign bodies, crawling along the eardrum, cause a lot of pain, cause pain and noise in the ear.

Sometimes a foreign body can not make itself felt for a long time, and after a while provoke an inflammation of the external or middle ear .

Help: First of all, you do not need to remove the foreign body yourself, using "improvised materials" (pins, pins), do not also remove the round objects with tweezers. Incorrect manipulation leads to pushing the object even deeper and causing injuries.

It is better to contact an ENT doctor who will correctly determine the method of treatment.

Insects are usually sacrificed by dropping 2-3 drops of liquid oil or 40% alcohol into the ear, then they are washed out with a warm water jet from a rubber pear with a soft tip or a syringe from Janet. You should know that any ear lavage can not be done if the integrity of the tympanic membrane is broken (ie there is a perforation).

Flat foreign bodies (small buttons) can be removed with the help of an ear pin.

Swelling foreign bodies of plant origin (peas, beans) are dehydrated before being removed by infusion into the ear of 40% alcohol or glycerin.

If a solid foreign body can not be removed by the washing method, it is removed by means of a special hook under the control of vision.