Foreign bodies of the nose are found most often in children aged 1 to 5 years. Children thrust small objects (beads, beans, cereals, pieces of plastic, small coins, pieces of cotton wool) into the nose to themselves or to each other during the game.

Sometimes around the foreign body, which is long in the nasal cavity, lime and phosphoric salts are deposited, as a result of which the so-called nasal stone-rhinolith is formed.

Symptoms: one-sided obstruction of breathing through the nose, mucopurulent or purulent discharge from the nose.

Small foreign bodies, being in the nose, first can not give any symptoms, a few days later there is a runny nose, mucopurulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, difficulty breathing.

Sharp foreign bodies damage the nasal mucosa and can cause bleeding. Bleeding also occurs when living foreign bodies enter the nasal cavity.

If a nasal stone is formed in the nasal cavity, the main symptoms are: a general condition disorder, a headache, a large amount of purulent and mucopurulent discharge from the nose with an unpleasant odor.

Help: removal of a foreign body should be performed only by an ENT doctor. Independent attempts can lead to complications - trauma, bleeding, pushing the object deeper into the nasal cavity, from which they can get into the larynx, trachea or bronchi, which is a great danger (can cause choking).

The only way to pre-hospital care is to try blowing a foreign body from the nostril, while closing another nostril. Before blowing your nose, you can drip a few drops of naphthyzine (galazoline, oxymetazoline) into the nose.

Flat foreign body doctor will remove with tweezers, and the body is rounded with a special hook.