
When it strikes or falls on hard objects, a bruise may occur-damage to the soft tissues of the nose, causing a hemorrhage. The bruised soft tissues of the nose look swollen and painful when palpated. Contusions of the external nose are observed frequently, especially in children. If the integrity of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is disturbed at the same time, then there is a nosebleed , sometimes quite strong. With the preservation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, bleeding can occur with the formation of bruising and bruising , especially hematoma of the septum of the nose.

First aid and treatment : the victim needs to ensure peace, a cold compress can be put on his nose; With nasal bleeding it is necessary to provide first aid, usually bleeding is small and stops quite quickly. It is necessary to make an x-ray of the bones of the nose to make sure there is no fracture of the bones of the nose.


Nose are quite common. The wound is a breach of the integrity of the skin, with wounding, bleeding and pain occur. The depth of the wound is superficial and deep, the superficial wounds are accompanied by a slight bleeding, with deep wounds bleeding profuse. A complete or partial detachment of the external nose is possible.

First aid: superficial (shallow cuts, scratches) wounds are treated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, the skin around the wound can be treated with alcohol solution of iodine, or diamond green, then a sterile dressing is applied. Deep wounds require surgical treatment of the wound and suturing, these manipulations are performed either in the polyclinic or at the emergency room. First aid for deep wounds is the same as for superficial wounds.

If there has been a complete or partial detachment of the external nose, the severed part should be sewn no later than 8-10 hours after injury, provided that the torn organ is properly retained. The severed organ should be wrapped in a clean damp cloth, put in a jar and cover with ice. In this case, you should seek medical help from an ENT hospital.

Fractures of the bones of the nose

Fractures of the bones of the nose arise from blows on the nose in front or side. When the front is struck, both nasal bones usually break, with the fragments sagging and deforming the dorsum of the nose. In lateral impacts, the back of the nose is displaced to the side or the depression on the side surface of the nose from the side of the impact.

Symptoms and course: changes in the shape of the external nose (deformity), pain, swelling and hemorrhage. Sometimes the swelling mask changes the shape of the external nose. At the same time, there may be abrasions or wounds. Since a fracture occurs in the fractures of the nasal mucosa, nasal bleeding occurs. Nasal breathing and smell are disturbed.

The diagnosis is established after examination and X-ray examination (an x-ray of the bones of the nose).

First aid and treatment: to reduce the swelling on the nose, you must put a cold compress; With nasal bleeding to enter into the nasal passages, cotton swabs, moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or naphthyzine 0.1% (tampons are prepared from cotton wool in the form of a cocoon 2.5-3cm long and 1-1.5cm thick, children 0.5cm thick ). Further treatment is performed at the ENT hospital, where the doctor performs a reposition of the bone fragments, i.e. Returns the displaced bone fragments to a normal position. If necessary, surgical treatment of wounds and stopping nasal bleeding are performed. Reposition should be done in the first 3-6 days after injury.