Nose bleed

Nasal bleeding is not an independent disease, it is often a symptom of a number of diseases, both the nasal cavity and the body as a whole.

Of the local causes of epistaxis, the most common is trauma, and sometimes even a minor injury can cause severe bleeding. A vivid example is the habit of picking in the nose, when the mucous membrane of the nose is constantly injured. In addition, the cause of nasal bleeding may be a surgical trauma, especially interference in the sinuses of the trellis.

Diseases predisposing to the occurrence of nasal bleeding are acute and chronic atrophic rhinitis (runny nose), as well as benign and malignant tumors of the nose.

Of the common causes of nasal bleeding, the most frequent are diseases accompanied by increased blood pressure (hypertension, renal hypertension), changes in the vascular wall (atherosclerosis), blood diseases (hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, leukemia, thrombocytopenia), infectious diseases (often influenza and acute respiratory disease) . Sometimes spontaneous nasal bleeding occurs with a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure, an increase in body temperature, with prolonged exposure to the sun, with physical overstrain.

Symptoms: the outflow of scarlet, non-foaming blood from the front nasal apertures, the flow of blood along the back wall of the pharynx. Blood can be released from the nose by drop or by spray. As a result of ingesting blood and getting into the stomach, bloody vomiting can occur. With prolonged, especially latent nasal bleeding, a pre-fainting and fainting condition develops - pallor of the skin, cold sweat, weak and frequent pulse, blood pressure drops.

First aid for nasal bleeding:

  • It is convenient to seat the patient so that the head is above the trunk;

  • The head of the patient slightly tilted forward so that blood does not enter the nasopharynx and mouth;

  • With nosebleeds, you can not blow your nose. This can increase the bleeding!

  • Press the wing of the nose against the septum. Before this, you can enter into the nasal passages cotton swabs, dry or moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, naphthyzine 0.1% (tampons are prepared from cotton wool in the form of a cocoon 2.5-3 cm long and 1-1.5 cm thick, children - 0 , 5 cm);

  • Put the cold on the back of the head and the bridge of the nose (bubble with ice) for 20 minutes.

In what case should I see a doctor?

  • If the blood from the nose "pours in a stream" and does not cease after attempts to self-stop within 10-20 minutes;

  • If, in addition to nosebleeds, there are such diseases as a clotting disorder, diabetes mellitus, an increase in blood pressure;

  • If the patient is constantly taking drugs such as aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen;

  • If the blood flows down the back of the throat, Falls into the throat and there was a bloody vomiting;

  • If there was a fainting or a pre-stupor condition on the background of epistaxis;

  • With frequent nasal bleeding.

Further treatment of nasal bleeding is performed by an ENT doctor in a hospital.

Surgical methods for stopping bleeding: moxibustion (coagulation) of the bleeding vessel, tamponade of the nose with gauze tampons (anterior and posterior).

If a tamponade of the nose is performed, antibiotics are prescribed. In addition, 10% calcium chloride solution, ascorutin, aminocaproic acid solution intravenously, vikasol are used to increase blood clotting.

Finding a patient in the hospital will allow to conduct a complete examination and, if necessary, to treat the underlying disease.