The toad is pale . Symptoms: 68 hours later and there are indomitable vomiting, colicky pains in the abdomen, diarrhea with blood. On the 2-3 day there are signs of hepatic and renal insufficiency, jaundice, an increase and soreness of the liver, anuria. A coma is developing. Mortality reaches 50%.

Amanita . Symptoms: no more than 2 hours later there is vomiting, increased sweating, drooling, abdominal pain, sharp contraction of the pupils. In more severe cases of poisoning, there are pronounced dyspnea, bronchorrhoea, a decrease in the pulse and a drop in blood pressure, cramps and delusions, hallucinations and coma are possible.

Lines . At good culinary processing are non-toxic. When poisoning occurs vomiting, diarrhea. After 6-12 h there is jaundice, dark urine due to hemoglobinuria, an increase and pain of the liver. Poisonous russula, freckles, etc. The prevailing phenomena of acute gastroenteritis as a result of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The first aid for poisoning with fungi often plays a decisive role in saving the patient. It is necessary to immediately begin rinsing the stomach with water, preferably using a probe with a weak solution (pink) of potassium permanganate or by artificial vomiting. It is useful to add activated carbon (carboline) into the solution. Then give a laxative (castor oil and saline), several times put cleansing enemas. After this, the patient is warmly covered and covered with heaters, given to drink hot sweet tea and coffee. The patient should be taken to a medical institution where he will be provided with medical care, which he needs.

Specific treatment . When poisoning with red fly agaric, the antidote is atropine, an injection of which 0.1% solution of 1 ml under the skin should be repeated 3-4 times at intervals of 30-40 minutes. To relieve spasm of the bronchi - isadrine (Novorinum, Euspyrinum), Euphyllinum in usual doses. Caffeine is useful from analeptics. Contraindicated acids and acidic products inside, contributing to the absorption of the muscarin contained in the red fly agaric mascarina. Treatment for poisoning with panther fly agaric (similar to champignon and umbrella edible) is similar to treatment for poisoning with plants containing atropine and scopolamine.

When poisoning pale toadstool, as well as false ottenkami, bile fungus, satanic, munchy mushrooms (mushrooms, gorkushi, svinushki, freckles) treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating dehydration and collapse. Various plasma substitutes are used: Ringer's solution, isotonic sodium chloride solution, salt infusion, polyglucin, etc. In a volume of at least 3-5 liters per day in a vein of drip. Use norepinephrine or mezaton to increase blood pressure, to prevent or reduce liver damage - hydrocortisone or similar drugs, broad-spectrum antibiotics. With developed heart failure - strofantine, korglikon. The prognosis for poisoning pale toadstool is very unfavorable. It should be borne in mind that the poisonous substances of pale toadstool are not afraid of high temperature and drying, do not become a decoction and cause degeneration of the kidneys, liver and heart.