Abortion spontaneous

Abortion spontaneous - one of the fairly common types of obstetric pathology; His frequency is 2-8% of the total number of pregnancies. The causes of spontaneous abortions are often unclear. Important in their pathogenesis have a delay in sexual development (infantilism); Previous artificial abortions, especially the interruption of the first pregnancy; Dysfunction of endocrine glands (pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland); Isthmico-cervical insufficiency; Intrauterine fusion; Acute and chronic infectious diseases and intoxications; Immunological incompatibility of blood of the mother and fetus by Rh factor; Tumors of genital organs, etc. Physical factors (bruises, elevation of considerable severity) have an effect only for predisposing reasons.

On the development of the pathological process, several stages of spontaneous abortion are distinguished: threatening abortion; Started abortion; Abortion in the course; Incomplete abortion; Complete abortion; Abortion aborted.