Lactational mastitis

Mastitis is lactational. The causative agents are staphylococci, streptococci and other pyogenic microbes. The entrance gates of infection are most often cracks of the nipples, less often the milk ducts. By the nature of the pathological process, there are serous, infiltrative and purulent mastitis.

Symptoms, course. The onset of the disease is acute, the patient complains of pain in the mammary gland, the temperature rises to 38 g. C and higher; The chill appears repeatedly. The affected mammary gland is enlarged, the skin above the infiltrate area is hyperemic, the subcutaneous veins are enlarged, the nipples of the fissure, the axillary lymph nodes are enlarged and sensitive during palpation. At the beginning of the disease, the infiltrate in the mammary gland has no clear boundaries, later it begins to be defined more clearly, then its softening (suppuration) occurs. Suppuration is accompanied by a further deterioration of the patient's condition, the temperature becomes remitting, intoxication intensifies, in peripheral blood leukocytosis and ESR increase. The appearance of fluctuations indicates the formation of pus. To clarify the diagnosis of purulent mastitis need puncture.

Treatment begins at the first sign of the disease. Prescribe antibiotics (oxacillin, methicillin, lincomycin, fusidine) in combination with warming compresses on the mammary gland (with alcohol or with Vishnevsky ointment). Lactation should be suppressed. The child is fed with expressed donor's milk. When suppuration is shown, surgical intervention. It is necessary to isolate the mother and child from other puerperas and newborns.