Cracked nipples

Cracked nipples. Formed as a result of insufficiently good preparation of the mammary glands during pregnancy, improper feeding techniques, hypovitaminosis, general weakening of the woman's body.

Treatment. When there are cracks in the nipples, it is necessary to feed the baby through the patch. After feeding, the nipples are treated with an alcoholic solution of gramicidin. You can also use a solution of methylene blue. Ointments preferably use oxycorte (composition: 1% oxytetracycline and 1% hydrocortisone acetate) or sintomycin emulsion.

Prevention. During pregnancy, it is recommended to wear bras from dense linen fabrics, air baths for mammary glands, pulling flat nipples, general ultraviolet irradiation. After childbirth it is necessary to wash the breasts several times a day with boiled water and soap. After each feeding, leave the breasts open for 15 minutes (air baths).