
Polyhydramnios - excessive accumulation in the amniotic cavity of amniotic fluid (more than 2 liters). The reasons are not well understood. Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, Rh-conflict, intrauterine infections play a role. Numerous combinations with fetal development abnormalities are common. Polyhydramnios are acute and chronic, often ending in premature birth.

Symptoms, course. General weakness, shortness of breath due to high diaphragm standing, frequent heart rate, swelling. Often an incorrect position of the fetus is observed. The size of the uterus is greater than it should be with the expected duration of pregnancy. Uterus is tense, palpation of parts of the fetus is difficult, heart tones are listened vaguely. With vaginal examination, the stress of the fetal bladder is determined. Differential diagnosis is carried out. With multiple pregnancies, large ovarian cystoma, ascites.

Treatment. In acute polyhydramnios, amniotomy and cautious gradual release of amniotic fluid are indicated (danger of prolapse of the umbilical cord!). Chronic polyhydramnios are treated conservatively: prescribe hypothiazide, vitamins, in some cases broad-spectrum antibiotics (except tetracycline), biyohinol. Labor in polyhydramnios often complicated by the weakness of labor, premature detachment of the normally located placenta, hypotonic bleeding, which is associated with excessive stretching of the uterus. To prevent these complications with incomplete opening of the uterine throat (3-4 cm), it is necessary to slowly release part of the amniotic fluid, without removing the hand from the vagina (danger of prolapse of the umbilical cord). When the weakness of labor is prescribed appropriate treatment. In the 3rd stage of labor, prophylaxis of hypotonic bleeding is carried out.