Anesthesia of childbirth

Anesthesia of childbirth. Physiopsychoprophylactic preparation of a pregnant woman for childbirth is a system of measures aimed at eliminating negative emotions, fostering positive conditioned reflex connections, removing the fear of childbirth and labor pain in pregnant women, and attracting her to active participation in the act of childbirth. Includes the following components: a complex of therapeutic physical education; Ultraviolet irradiation of the body and special occupations. Physical training sessions are conducted under the guidance of a physical training instructor. Ultraviolet irradiation raises the functional state of the nervous system and endocrine glands, increases the body's defenses. Up to 16 weeks of pregnancy, usually 10 sessions of irradiation with an intensity of 0.25-1.25 biodozes are performed, with a period of 17-31 weeks-10 sessions with an intensity of 1.25-1.5 biodosides, in 32-40 weeks, 20 sessions with intensity 1, 5-2,5 biodozy. Classes for psycho-prevention are conducted in a women's consultation. The total number of classes is 6-8. The first lesson, having the character of an individual conversation, allows the doctor to establish direct contact with the pregnant woman, to collect an anamnesis. In a form accessible to the pregnant woman, the doctor tells about the role of the central nervous system in the formation of pain, the unreasonableness of fear of childbirth, etc. In the second session, they report the course of labor and emphasize the incompetence of fear of childbirth. In the third lesson, the pregnant woman is introduced to the course of the first stage of labor and is taught how to use anesthesia (correct, rhythmic, deep breathing, stroking the lower abdominal skin with fingers, pressing points in the anterolateral region of the iliac bones and the outer corners of the lumbar rhombus). On the fourth lesson, they check how these skills are learned. The fifth lesson is devoted to acquaintance with the course of the 2nd and 3rd periods of birth, they teach you to hold your breath and pull yourself right. In the sixth lesson, they learn how to master these techniques. In the next 1-2 sessions, the acquired skills are consolidated.

Medical anesthetization of labor is used in combination with physiopsychoprophylactic and alone. Medicinal substances used for the anesthesia of childbirth should be safe not only for the mother, but also for the fetus, as most pharmacological drugs can easily penetrate the placental barrier. Currently, in obstetric practice, use various drugs that have analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Medicinal substances are introduced at the beginning of the first period of labor with the established labor activity and the opening of the cervix at least 3-4 cm. For this purpose, most often, 1 / ml of 1-2% solution of promedol, 1 ml of 1% solution Aprofen, 5 ml of baralgina IM, etc. Sometimes, drugs for narcosis ether, nitrous oxide, triethylene, pentane, viadryl, etc. are also effective. Neuroleptanalgesia is also effective: the combined use of neuroleptics (droperidol) and analgesics (fentanyl). The method of electroanalgesia with the help of devices "Electronarcon" is also spreading. This method allows not only to effectively anesthetize childbirth, but also to restore labor activity in its pathological course. The method is not related to the prescription of medicinal substances and is absolutely safe for the mother and fetus.