Postpartum period is normal

Postpartum period normal lasts 6-8 weeks. Local changes are most pronounced on the part of the uterus (involution). The index of the involution of the uterus is the height of the standing of its bottom: by the end of the first day - at the level of the navel, on the 5th day - in the middle of the distance between the bosom and the navel, toward the end of the 10th day - beyond the bosom. Internal uterine zoe closes towards the end of the 10th day, the outer uterus is closed at the end of the 3rd week after childbirth. Immediately after birth, the inner surface of the uterus is a vast wound surface with a profuse secret (blood). Epithelization of this surface occurs gradually: on the 10th day the inner surface of the uterus is epithelized, with the exception of the placental area, at the end of the 3rd week, the entire surface of the uterus is completely epithelialized. Accordingly, the nature of postpartum secretions (lochia) also changes. During the first 5 days after childbirth, the lochia is abundant, bloody; From 6th to 10th day - abundant brown; From the 11th to the 15th day - moderate yellowish; From the 16th to the 20th day - scanty whitish. With the third do not lochia become mucous. Under the influence of the lactogenic hormone of the pituitary gland on the 3rd-4th day after childbirth, the secretion of milk begins (colostrum, transitional milk, mature milk.

Flow. After childbirth, the woman in the hospital feels tired and needs rest. The temperature is normal; A single increase in temperature can be observed on the 3rd-4th day of the postpartum period due to the penetration of microbes into the uterine cavity or as a result of engorgement of the mammary glands. The pulse rate is usually normal, rarely a physiological bradycardia is noted. AD slightly decreases. Appetite in the early days can be lowered, then restored; Stool and urination are delayed due to atony of the intestine and bladder.

Doing. Daily medical supervision of the general conditions of the puerpera. Measure the heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure. Determine the condition of the mammary glands, the involution of the uterus, the character of lochis. Follow the chair and urination. In order to prevent postpartum infection, strict adherence to aseptic and antiseptic rules is necessary. Healthy women on the 2nd day after childbirth are allowed to get up (early rising), prescribe a therapeutic exercise. Gaps of the crotch of I-II degree are not a contraindication to extreme erection. On the 3rd day after childbirth, in the absence of a chair, a cleansing enema is put or a laxative is prescribed. When urination is delayed, a decoction of bear ears, pituitrin and catheterization of the bladder are prescribed. A high-grade food with enough vitamins. Twice a day, you should definitely urinate the external genitalia with a solution of potassium permanganate (1:10 000). If seams were applied to the perineum, then a "dry toilet" is performed (the line of seams on the perineum is not washed, but sprinkled with one of the antiseptic powders). The mammary glands are treated with a 0.5% solution of ammonia or warm water with soap in the morning and evening after feeding, the nipples - 1% solution of boric acid and dried with sterile cotton. Write out the puerpera on the 7th day after uncomplicated birth. Washing under the shower is allowed on the 10th day, the bath - not earlier than the end of the 3rd week. Sexual life is permitted not earlier than on the 6th week after childbirth.