Insufficiency of vitamin C (insufficiency of ascorbic acid, scurvy, scurvy, etc.). Vitamin C plays an important role in oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, synthesis of collagen and procollagen, and normalization of vascular permeability.

Clinical picture. The disease is characterized by general weakness, increased fragility of the capillaries with the formation of petechiae, bleeding from the gums, hemorrhagic effusions in the joints and pleura, dystrophic changes in the mucous membranes, anemia, disorders of the nervous system.

Treatment. Ascorbic acid and preparations containing vitamin C (infusion, syrup from hips, vitamin tea).

Prevention. Full balanced food, containing a sufficient number of vegetables, berries, fruits; Prophylactic intake of ascorbic acid in conditions of possible occurrence of its insufficiency (in long campaigns with preferential feeding of canned and dried foods, women during pregnancy and lactation, etc.); Correct cooking, preventing significant loss of ascorbic acid during cooking products.