Gipopolivitaminozy, poliavitaminozy more common than isolated relative or complete failure of one of the vitamins. In the pathogenesis of hypovitaminosis and poliavitaminozov should take into account the mutual influence of some vitamins, their synergy and antagonism.

The clinical picture is polymorphic, but mainly manifested symptoms of the deficiency of vitamins, which flow into the body and dispose the most violated. Particularly frequent weakness, loss of memory, ability to work, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, shortness of breath during normal physical activity.

Treatment. Carry out the treatment of the underlying disease, leading to malabsorption syndrome; prescribe vitamin supplements, parenteral administration of vitamin.

Prevention: Early diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which disrupted the absorption of nutrients and vitamins; including vitamin therapy in treatment of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.