Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint

Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint - limited mobility or immobility of the lower jaw.

Etiology. Infectious arthritis, trauma, including birth.

Patogenez. Bony or fibrous fusion of the articular surfaces, which is associated with damage or loss of articular cartilage. It develops slowly - months, years.

Symptoms. Persistent reduction of the jaws, full or partial, usually one-sided. mandible deformation expressed more strongly than ever formed ankylosis. Shortened leg and the body of the mandible on the affected side. The chin is displaced in the affected side and behind. With bilateral ankylosis microgeny ( "bird person"). The angles of the lower jaw protruding. Dental arch deformed, broken articulation. Abundant tartar, teeth are inclined side. Often saved baby teeth. Eating is difficult. On radiographs of the joint elements are not differentiated. Bone bands can go from articular and coronoid process to the base of the skull.

Treatment operative - osteotomy of the branches of the lower jaw. Postoperatively, mechanotherapy. When osteotomy using joint head of polymer materials. If fibrotic ankylosis possible violent razdvizheniya jaws.

Forecast. Bony ankylosis leads to resistant strains and disorders of the jaw function; with fibrous ankylosis forecast is more favorable.

Prevention: a rational treatment of arthritis, prevention of birth trauma.