Arthritis temporomandibular

Arthritis temporomandibular - inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the temporomandibular joint.

Etiology. Trauma, including occlusion; infection is common - rheumatism, gonorrhea, scarlet fever, measles, and local - osteomyelitis of the jaw, mumps, otitis media, mastoiditis, etc...

Pathogenesis. Infection hematogenous-metastatic or contact, inflammation of the joint capsule, and then the destruction of cartilage and meniscus.

Symptoms within. In mild cases - pain, aggravated by movements of the jaw, a small swelling at the tragus; palpation is painful. When purulent inflammation - a sharp pain radiating to the ear, temple, because of the pain can not open his mouth. Fever, chills marked, sometimes intoxication. During the chronic stiffness, snap joint with jaw movements, discomfort. Periodically, there are acute.

Treatment. Rest (immobilization of the elastic bandage and a rubber gasket between the teeth), heat, salicylates, intra- and periarticular administration of antibiotics and steroids, UHF-therapy. When progreosirovanii suppurative process - arthrotomy, chronic arthritis - physiotherapy (electrophoresis, inductothermy, mud), salicylates and orthopedic treatment. When specific arthritis prescribe appropriate treatment. When oslozhenie contracture ankylosis and surgical treatment.

Forecast. Mild acute forms are completely expressed forms cause deforming arthritis. When laid bare bony surfaces of the joint - ankylosis. Prevention comes down to the early elimination of articulation injuries.