Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint

Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint - the displacement of the joint head of the lower jaw.

Etiology. Strong expansion is oral (eating, crying, yawning, with interventions, tooth extraction, nasogastric intubation, intubation, and so on. D.) Trauma.

The pathogenesis associated with stretching or rupture of the joint capsule. What matters is the innate weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Distinguish complete and incomplete sprains (subluxation) front, rear, unilateral and bilateral. Typical front dislocation, characterized by pain, inability to close the mouth, difficulty in speech, salivation. In bilateral dislocation mouth open wide, his chin with one-sided biased in a healthy way. During palpation revealed articular head in front of the articular tubercle. At the rear is a dislocation of the head posterior to the glenoid fossa.

Treatment. Dislocation reduce a singing anesthesia in a patient sitting position. Doctor standing thumbs wrapped gauze, presses the lower painters and without sudden movements pulls the lower jaw downwards. Condyles position below the articular tubercles are installed in the glenoid fossa. Reposition the lower jaw is fixed sling bandage for 2 weeks. Habitual dislocations treat orthopedic.

Weather favorable. Prevention is the chin lock during interventions.