Localized gingivitis

Localized gingivitis. Etiology. Injury, toothbrush, toothpick. Pathogenesis is associated with a food stuck between the teeth when the interdental contact point is broken.

Symptoms, course. With acute localized gingivitis, pain is aggravated by eating. Papilla hyperemic, edematous. When chronic - a feeling of awkwardness, the pain that passes after removing food that is stuck between the teeth. The gum margin is edematic, cyanotic, can be atrophied, ulcerated, bleeds easily. On the teeth, approximal defects or imperfect fillings. Radiographically: interdental septa retained.

Treatment. Restoring the contact point between the teeth by filling or insertion.

The prognosis for rational treatment is favorable. Prophylaxis is the rational treatment of approximal caries. Without treatment, the inflammatory process in the gums progresses, localized periodontitis develops.