tooth Decay

Tooth Caries - a disease characterized by progressive destruction of dental hard tissues. Vozbuditel- Streptococcus mutans that accumulates on the surface of the enamel, usually in the retention areas in the form of soft plaque.

Pathogenesis. The microflora of plaque damages the enamel organic basis, which thus loses the ability to fix the mineral substrate. Formed carious defect. Resistant to decay determined by the structure of the enamel, which depends both on the conditions for the formation of teeth, and the state of local immunity of the oral cavity.

Symptoms within. Cavities are distinguished by the sharpness of the flow and depth of the lesion. The patient complains of pain when hit by a cavity with cold, sour, sweet food. Eliminating pain stimulus interrupts. Spontaneous pain does not happen. In the initial stage on the enamel surface has a dirty gray or brown stain. On the surface caries defect within enamel, its bottom scabrous; with an average spread of caries defect dentinnoemalevoe connection; with deep -zahvatyvaet all layers of dentin. When acute course of tissue involved in the carious process, dirty-gray color, softened, carious hotbed of irregular shape, its edge saped. Number of teeth affected. When acute course affect more teeth, each tooth more cavities. Chronic within affected tissues are pigmented, dense, relatively smooth their edges. Amazed individual teeth.

Treatment - excision of damaged tissues (enamel, dentin), the formation of cavities and tooth restoration of form and function. Excision of dental burs produce different shapes. This intervention requires premedication (meprotan, izoprotan, amizil, oksilidin, etc. in combination with analgin, amidopirinom, etc....) And pain relief (the most effectively - wire version). Caries defect is filled seal (cements, amalgams, plastics, epoxies, steel, gold, porcelain). Treatment of initial caries does not require excision of tissue and is achieved by remineralization -applikatsii electrophoresis or 1% solution of sodium fluoro-yes or remineralization of patented drugs. In acute forms show a diet rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins. Calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, D, B1, B5, B6. Nukleinat sodium 0.1 1 g orally once a day, sodium fluoride oral dose of 6.4 mg / day, irradiation with ultraviolet rays.

Forecast. Untreated caries pulpitis certainly complicated. Treatment of chronic forms filling of reliable acute - effective only after additional pathogenetic therapy. The acute caries requires clinical supervision.

Prevention. Measures to improve the stability of dental caries and the fight against the formation of soft plaque: the consumption of milk and dairy products, fortification, receiving fluoride preparations inside, rigid food and brushing teeth tooth powders and pastes ( "Cheburashka", "Ftorodent"). All that matters is the fight against acute infections and related conditions, health-building activities. It is crucial to the introduction into the drinking water with fluorine (1 mg / l), in the form of tablets, etc. Local flyuorizatsiya teeth (pastes, solutions, coatings).