Bleeding after a tooth extraction operation

Bleeding after the operation of removing the teeth - profuse, self-stop bleeding from the extraction wound.

Etiology: trauma at removal of a teeth, more often rough.

Pathogenesis: rupture, crushing of the tissue of the socket and gums, resorption of the vessel wall, vasoconstrictor paresis; Violation of blood clotting.

Symptoms: obvious bleeding, staining saliva with blood. Bleeding can last a day or longer, causing secondary anemia. It is necessary to study the coagulability of blood and other indicators that are important for establishing the cause of hemorrhagic syndrome.

Treatment. Pressurization of the well: tamponade with gauze turundum, hemostatic sponge or fibrin film; A tampon is replaced after 3-4 days. Sewing an extraction wound. Exclusion of hot food. With violations of blood coagulability - hospitalization, transfusion of freshly frozen plasma, etc.

The outlook is usually favorable. With blood diseases, the outcome depends on the nature of the pathology. Prevention - atraumatic extraction of teeth. With blood diseases, this intervention is carried out only in a hospital after appropriate preparation of the patient.